My Mentors

Academia is a human endeavor.

Without exceptional teachers and mentors, I would not be here. They inspired me and helped me overcome adversity.

Cora Dvorkin @Harvard
Cora Dvorkin @Harvard
Felipe Acker @UFRJ
Felipe Acker @UFRJ
Ioav Waga @UFRJ
Ioav Waga @UFRJ
Jaime Fernando Villas da Rocha @UNIRIO
Jaime Fernando Villas da Rocha @UNIRIO
Luiz Davidovich @UFRJ
Luiz Davidovich @UFRJ
Marilena LoVerde @UW
Marilena LoVerde @UW
Marlise Araujo (High School Teacher) @CPII
Marlise Araujo (High School Teacher) @CPII
Peter Adshead @UIUC
Peter Adshead @UIUC
Wayne Hu @UChicago
Wayne Hu @UChicago

Without exceptional mentors, I would not be an effective faculty member. So, thank you to my postdoc mentors. You all helped me transition from student to faculty in only six years!

Mark Trodden @UPenn
Mark Trodden @UPenn
Bhuvnesh Jain @UPenn
Bhuvnesh Jain @UPenn
Tim Eifler @UofA
Tim Eifler @UofA
Elisabeth Krause @UofA
Elisabeth Krause @UofA

Special thank you to my Family. They believed in me even in the most difficult of times.

Mother and Sister: Vania and Isabella Miranda